About Me

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Octopuses are the weirdest things!! Just look at his skin and his head, like that's an alien. Just confirmed my next project.


  1. what took you so long?

    1. I don't think so, but in my dream I told you to draw an actopus... the dream was a while ago, so that is why i asked what had taken you so long...
      Anyway.. get to it... chop, chop, what are you waiting for? Have you forgotten how to take directives?

    2. Your dream huh? Alright, I'll make your dream come true.

  2. OK, but now I want a mermaid piece too... I like mermaids. Maybe you can combined the mermaid with the octopus; or better yet, I want a mermaid owned by an octopus, restrained by his eight arms. The octopus has enough arms to do more than just restrain her... he can also embrace her lovingly.
    chop chop...

    1. That's wrong on so many levels and just plain sick...consider it done! However, I have a few other requests I need to do first so I can't start it yet but I will for sure put it on my to do list. That is going to be a fun piece.

  3. That will be the Bonnie Melinda marine version of the Beauty and the Beast.

  4. Few other requests??? Whatever, as long as you know there will be consequences...
