About Me

Thursday, May 30, 2013



  1. Nice ear ring !!!!!

  2. Nice ear ring on a very pretty girl!!! But there is an air of "opinionatedness" to her.

  3. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    1. Oooh! Come to think of it, she resembles you very much... Is that a self portrait?

  4. Not very talkative today huh?
    (second time around)Very nice self portrait... So vanity is indeed a virtue, huh? Talking about one's own opinion, are you prettier than vain or vainer than pretty? Did you draw from a picture? Can you post it please, like you did your sister's dragon thing? So that we can admire your technique?

    1. Haha well I think vanity is troublesome, but self appreciation is a good thing and even a daily necessity. Keep in mind, realism is not my style. She is a cartoon I drew up for fun with exaggerated features that are not entirely realistic, so the fact that you saw the resemblance is flattering and I appreciate the compliments but I didn't use a picture to work off of I just painted what I wanted to see from my mind. Oh and the dragon thing you mentioned is called a onesie because it is a shirt and pair of pants connected in one outfit. Just so you know...

  5. You ducked the question and beat around the bush,... are you prettier or vainer? Exaggerated or not I like those lips... I like the ear ring also... are those real or you just happen to like lizards and worked it from your imagination?
    The outfit may be a onesie, but the motif was kind of dragon like, no?

    1. Well I'd say I'm prettier than vain, but by saying that it makes me vain, right? &The ear ring is real. Riddle me this, anonymous: do you think it's reasonable to believe that cats should live indoors for their entire life? Or do you think they have the right to feel fresh air on their face and grass under their feet...?

    2. I'll riddle you, all right. I don't see the connection, but if it will please you, I'll give you my best shot... There are cats and cats; likewise there are dogs, goats, pigs, squirrels, chickens, tigers, and so on, and I am not in a position to say how they should live their lives. On the other hand, they don't have the discernment that most human beings have to choose their lifestyle. Therefore, In our society, it is customary to treat animals in one of two major categories: They can be tame or wild. Whithin those two categorie, we can further subdivide into indooor/outdoors or captive/in the wild. The basic difference is that when they are classified as indoors or captive animals, we humans are under the obligation to provide for them and to look after their medical condition. When they are outdoors/in the wild, they are on their own, having to face all the dangers and pursue the resorces necessary for the subsistence. It is not always possible to mix those categories as it would not be safe for us or for them to do so. Concerning cats, a good general rule of the thumb is: if they share your home amenities, they should be indoors, and indoors only.
      Now, please tell me what prompted this question...

  6. I think that is a good idea... This piece should be named "Opinionated".
